Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Actor versus Join Concurrency

This post tries to shed some light on the differences and commonalities between actor and join style concurrency and explains its connection to multi-set rewrite rules.

Recently, I've published two libraries supporting

  • Actor concurrency, see here, and
  • Join concurrency, see here

Coordination via multi-set rewrite rules with guards

Both libraries support similar forms of coordination primitives in terms of multi-set rewrite rules with guards. For example, consider

Seller x, Buyer x --> "do something"

which says that if there's a seller and a buyer where both agree on the object x to be sold, then we execute the right-hand side "do something".

What's the connection to rewrite rules? Well, in case there's "Seller Obj" and "Buyer Obj", both will be rewritten to "do something". It's natural to view sellers and buyers as resources. To rewrite multiple resources, we simply use multi-set rewrite rules. For example,

A, A --> "blah"

will remove two occurences of "A" by "blah".

Lesson learned so far. The basic coordination primitives behind actor and join style concurrency are expressed in terms of multi-set rewrite rules. In the join setting, these multi-set rewrite rules are commonly referred to as join-patterns. However, please take note that Erlang-style actors only support single-headed rewrite rules and join-style concurrency as found in JoCaml, Polyphonic C or Claudio Russo's Joins librariy does not support guards (both features are supported by the above mentioned libaries).

Assuming we agree on a common set of multi-set rewrite rules (possibly with guards), what's the difference then between actor and join concurrency?

Actor concurrency

In the actor setting, we commonly assume that multi-set rewrite are applied sequentially. In the special case of Erlang's single-headed rewrite rules, we start scanning the mailbox (that's the place where sellers, buyers etc are stored) from left to right. For each mailbox element (often referred to as message aka method or even constraint in the rewrite setting), we then try the single-headed rewrite rules from top to bottom, until a match is found. In the general case of multi-set (headed) rewrite rules, we can assume that things can get a bit more tricky. Check out the paper below for a formal sequential execution semantics

Martin Sulzmann, Edmund S. L. Lam, Peter Van Weert,
Actors with Multi-headed Message Receive Patterns.

But if rewrite rules are executed sequentially where does concurrency come in? Well, we can have concurrent actors which communicate by sending each other messages (aka methods or constraints). The messages itself are processed and executed sequentially by each actor. You may therefore argue that the behavior of each actor is completely deterministic.

Join concurrency

In the join setting, the place where methods (aka messages or constraints) are kept is commonly referred to as a "store". Any multi-set rewrite rule can fire as soon as we find a match for its left-hand side among the st of stored methods. The only condition is that if two rewrite rules fire concurrently, they must operate on non-overlapping parts.


Both styles of concurrency use the same coordination primitive, i.e. multi-set rewrite rules. I'd argue that actor and join concurrency serve different purposes (hence, are equally useful). One can emulate the other but I prefer to have efficient support for both of them (not via emulation).

NOTE: I wrote this post are seeing these comments on

So, having a blog is possibly useful after all :)

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